Westfield Estates Neighbourhood Land Use Study
The Town has retained consultants to undertake a Land Use Study to develop a vision and land use plan for the Westfield Estates Neighbourhood. The Study will assist the Town in planning and evaluating potential future redevelopment applications within the neighbourhood, while ensuring the adequate provision of infrastructure, community services, facilities and parks for existing and future residents.
Join us at our Public Open House on March 18th to review draft land use options
The Westfield Estates Neighbourhood generally comprises the lands within the Cam Fella Boulevard, Aintree Drive, and Asbury Park Court area, as shown on the Location Map below. The Westfield Estates Neighbourhood is located on the eastern edge of the Community of Stouffville, and is characterized by large lots accommodating single-detached dwellings, and expansive lawns and yard setbacks. The neighbourhood contains a range of natural features, mature trees, ponds and a unique street and block pattern including a rural street cross-section, characteristic of an estate style subdivision.
The neighbourhood is experiencing significant redevelopment pressures including recent planning approvals for infill and intensification along Main Street and Cam Fella Boulevard, which were approved by Council on May 15, 2024 (Staff Reports No. DS-022-24 and DS-023-24). The Study is anticipated to result in a preferred Land Use Plan to guide potential future redevelopment applications within the neighbourhood, which will be informed by community and stakeholder input.
Further information on the Study is included in Staff Report DS-030-24, June 19, 2024.
The Land Use Study is being undertaken in five phases:
Phase 1: Background Review
On November 6, 2024, Council received Staff Report DS-055-24 for information, which included a presentation on the background review and an overview of the findings from the October 2, 2024 Public Open House. Further information is available here:
- Westfield Estates Neighbourhood: Background Review Report, October 2024
- Westfield Estates Neighbourhood: What We Heard Report, October 2024
Phase 2: Community Engagement #1
The Town held a Public Open House on October 2, 2024 to introduce the Study, answer questions, and seek initial feedback from the public. The information presented at the Public Open House include the following for review and comment:
Phase 3: Land Use Study and Options
The consultant team has prepared an initial draft of the land use plan options, based on a review of current planning policy, preliminary land and infrastructure analysis and public feedback. These land use plan options will be shared with members of the public at an open house meeting in March 2025.
Phase 4: Community Engagement #2 (Current Phase)
The Town is inviting members of the public to join a public open house to provide feedback on the land use plan options for the Westfield Estates Neighbourhood. This second public engagement session for the Westfield Estates Land Use Study will present draft land use options developed with feedback from our initial open house held on October 2, 2024.
Meeting Details: Tuesday, March 18, 6:00–8:00 PM at 19 on the Park (19 Civic Avenue, Stouffville)
Registration: Please register here to confirm your attendance: https://westfieldestates.eventbrite.ca
Meeting Agenda:
- 6:00pm - 6:10pm – Arrive and sign-in
- 6:10pm – 6:40pm – Presentation
- 6:40pm – 7:00pm – Q&A
- 7:00pm – 7:40pm – Small group discussions
- 7:40pm - 7:55pm – Share back and broader group discussion
- 7:55pm – 8:00pm – Closing
Meeting Objectives:
- Provide an update on the Westfield Estates Land Use Study
- Build a common understanding of the purpose and intent of the Land Use Study
- Present and discuss three draft land use options for Westfield Estates
- Gather input from members of the public to support a final recommended Land Use Plan
Following the public meeting, presentation materials will be uploaded to this webpage. Members of the public are requested to provide additional comments on these materials by April 1st, for consideration in developing the preferred land use plan. Additional comments should be directed to westfield@townofws.ca.
Additional Event Details
Parking: 19 on the Park is located close to ample 3-hour public parking. Parking can be found behind and beside the facility as well as on Main Street.
Accessibility: 19 on the Park is a fully accessible facility.
This webpage will be updated as further information is available.
Land Use Study Location Map
Get Involved
Sign up for our e-news for Study updates and notification of upcoming community engagement meetings, or provide comments, by emailing westfield@townofws.ca
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a land use plan?
Land use plans are created for areas that are currently experiencing or expected to experience growth and development pressure. A land use plan sets the neighbourhood’s vision to help Town Council and staff make decisions about potential future redevelopment applications to ensure growth occurs in a strategic and coordinated manner. It provides greater clarity around expectations for land use, built form, parks, and infrastructure services for residents, developers, and the Town.
A land use plan does not change what is currently permitted on a property based on the current zoning.
Why is the Town undertaking this work?
The Westfield Estates Neighbourhood is a community that is facing increasing development pressure. Notably, a significant development proposed under two separate applications fronting on Main St. were approved by Council in May 2024. The development includes 141 total units which include 117 townhouse dwellings and 24 smaller-lot single detached dwellings. The density and built form marks a significant shift from the existing large lot single family neighbourhood. A land use plan is needed to help guide where new residential buildings will be built, what form they will take, and how residents will have access to parks, mobility options, and other services.
What Does this Land Use Plan Mean for Residents?
The land use plan will guide the transformation of the neighbourhood over the next 20+ years, should redevelopment occur. This study will not result in any residents being required to sell their property.
How will the Land Use Plan be Achieved?
Realization of the land use plan may take place over time. The Land Use Plan does not rezone a property and development applications would still be required before anything beyond what is currently permitted could be built. Any planning applications for redevelopment would require public consultation and Council approval.
How will residents be able to shape the Land Use Study?
There are several opportunities for residents and stakeholders to participate in this project. A public open house took place on October 2, 2024. Feedback from the community will be used to inform the creation of draft land use options. A What We Heard Report, that includes a summary of the open house and comments received by the Town, will be available to the public and presented to Council in a Staff Report on November 6, 2024.
These draft concepts will be shared in Winter 2025, where an additional community engagement phase will explore and identify preferred options with community members.
The Town will be consulting with the community, stakeholders and the ratepayers association throughout the Study. Further information will be posted to the webpage as the Study progresses.
Why was this study initiated?
This study was initiated and funded by the Town based on existing and anticipated development pressure in this neighbourhood.
Will the neighbourhood be rezoned or redesignated through this study?
This study will not rezone or redesignate any land, but is anticipated to be used to inform and evaluate potential future privately initiated planning applications. This study will not result in any residents being required to sell their property.
Will this study modify what is permitted through the Official Plan?
Any land use options presented in this study will be used as high-level guiding principles to help the Town and Council review potential future development applications. They will not change what is currently permitted on any given property. Any further redevelopment will continue to go through the required public planning application processes.