Re-Imagine Stouffville - Official Plan Review

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“Re-Imagine Stouffville”

New Official Plan Adopted by Council on May 15, 2024 UPDATE

On May 15, 2024, Council enacted By-law 2024-057-OP to Adopt the Town’s New Official Plan (Re-Imagine Stouffville: Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan, May 2024). The Town’s New Official Plan as Adopted by Council, is available here:

The Town’s New Official Plan requires final approval from the Approval Authority, and is not yet in force and effect. As such, the Town’s Official Plan, 2004 continues to apply to formal planning applications that have been deemed complete, prior to the approval of the Town’s New Official Plan.

By-law 2024-057-OP (Appendix B) also identifies existing Official Plan policies related to Ballantrae and Musselman’s Lake which remain in force and effect, pending the resolution of Official Plan Amendment 136 by the Ontario Land Tribunal.

On May 1, 2024, Council Adopted in principle the New Official Plan, including additional modifications as recommended by Council and Staff, which are outlined in Staff Report DS-017-24 and Council Meeting Minutes.

New Official Plan For Council Adoption May 1, 2024 UPDATE

The Final Draft of the New Official Plan will be presented to Council on May 1, 2024 at 1 p.m. for consideration for adoption. The Final Draft New Official Plan was updated in consideration of the public and agency comments received on the 3rd Draft Official Plan, June 2023.

The Final Draft New Official Plan released in October 2023, will be presented to Council, in addition to recommended modifications based on additional comments received, which will be outlined in the Staff Report.

The Final Draft New Official Plan, October 2023 is available here:

Following Council adoption, the Town’s New Official Plan will be submitted to the Region of York for final approval.

The Council Agenda including the Staff Report outlining the key issues and responses to the public and agency comments, and additional recommended modifications to the Official Plan will be available here, the Thursday prior to the Council meeting:

New Official Plan

The Town’s Official Plan is a policy document that provides direction for the management of growth, land use and services. The Official Plan is important to inform the public about the municipality’s general land use planning policies and ensure growth is coordinated and meets the community’s current and future needs.

The 2nd Draft of the New Official Plan addresses a number of studies and policy recommendations that were still ongoing at the time of preparing the 1st Draft of the New Official Plan, including:

  • York Region’s New Official Plan, 2022, as approved by the Province on November 4, 2022;
  • Highway 48 Corridor Framework Plan and Recommended Policies, endorsed by Council on September 21, 2022;
  • Natural Heritage Resources Study, as updated in August 2022; and
  • Town’s Preliminary Growth Management Strategy.

Based upon the additional public and stakeholder comments, a Final Draft Official Plan will be prepared and brought forward to Council for adoption, which is anticipated in 2023. The Adopted Official Plan will then be forwarded to York Region for approval.

Subscribe to our eNewsletter (see sidebar) to receive future updates on the release of the 2nd Draft New Official Plan and notification for the upcoming Public Open Houses.

3rd Draft of New Official Plan

The Third Draft of the New Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan was presented to Council on June 21, 2023 for further consultation.

Staff Report DS-031-23 summarizes the key changes proposed in the New Official Plan, and includes:

Council will also be asked to endorse the Town’s revised Preliminary Growth Management Strategy, June 2023 (Staff Report DS-030-23), which informs the New Official Plan.

The Town is currently seeking input to further refine the policies of the Town’s New Official Plan. Written comments on the Third Draft New Draft Official Plan are requested by July 31, 2023, which can be submitted to:

Preliminary Growth Management Strategy, Draft – February 2023

On March 8th (7:00 pm), the draft Preliminary Growth Management Strategy (PGMS) will be presented to Council. The PGMS provides a long-term assessment of the Town’s future urban growth and associated land needs to the year 2051. It will inform the Town’s New Official Plan and reflects the York Region Official Plan growth forecasts and allocations to the Town, as approved by the Province on November 4, 2022. In accordance with the York Region Official Plan, the Town is planning to accommodate a population of 91,700 persons and 34,800 jobs by 2051, reflecting an increase of 40,300 persons and 17,900 jobs from 2021 to 2051.

The draft PGMS is available on the Town Council Agenda webpage at:

Comments on the draft PGMS are requested by March 31, 2023 and may be submitted to:

Based on public and stakeholder comments, Town staff will prepare a revised PGMS which will be brought forward to Council for consideration for endorsement at a future meeting.

2nd Draft New Official Plan

The Town is pleased to release the 2nd Draft of its New Official Plan for public review and consultation. The 2nd Draft New Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan, December 2022 and Draft Schedules are now available. Comments on the 2nd Draft New Official Plan can be submitted to by January 23rd, 2023.

2nd Draft New Official Plan Virtual Public Open House Meetings

Virtual and In-Person Meeting - December 12, 2022

On December 12, 2022, the Town held Virtual and In-Person Public Open Houses. The Public Open Houses material including the Virtual Public Open House recording, the Virtual Public Open House Presentation, and In-Person Public Open House Display Boards have now been posted to the webpage. The Town is currently seeking input to further refine the policies of the 2nd Draft New Official Plan. Comments on the 2nd Draft Official Plan are requested by January 23rd, 2023. Comments can be emailed to

1st Draft Town Official Plan

The Town is pleased to release the first Draft of its New Official Plan for public review and consultation. The New Draft Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan, June 2022 and Draft Schedules are now available. Comments on the New Draft Official Plan can be submitted to

On June 28th the Town hosted two Statutory Public Open Houses to present and receive comments on the New Draft Official Plan. You are invited to attend the Council Public Meeting on July 6th (details below). This meeting will provide an overview of the key policy directions and an opportunity for you to provide input that will be taken into consideration in preparing the final Draft Official Plan for Council adoption.

1st Draft Official Town Plan Virtual Public Open House Meetings

Virtual and In-Person Council Public Meeting - July 6, 2022

The Public Meeting Agenda and Staff Report from the July 6th Council Public meeting is now available.

No decision will be made on the adoption of the Official Plan at the July 6th Council Public Meeting. A revised Draft Official Plan will be brought forward to Council at a subsequent meeting for adoption. Sign up for our interested parties eNewsletter to receive notification of this upcoming meeting. The Statutory Meeting Notice provides further details.

The New Draft Official Plan updates the Town’s vision for the future and will ensure consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement, Provincial Plans and the Region’s new Official Plan, once approved. The new Official Plan is a long-range planning document containing goals, objectives and policies to guide land use, development and growth in the Town to 2051. The Town’s new Official Plan promotes the building of healthy, complete and sustainable communities which further the growth and economic development of the community, help protect farmland, and protect environmentally sensitive areas of the Town. It incorporates policies and mapping related to settlement area expansion, growth management, climate change, major transit station areas, housing, agriculture, provincial plans, indigenous engagement, and cultural heritage.

The New Draft Official Plan has also been informed by various supporting studies including:

Virtual Public Open House Meeting - June 28, 2022

Virtual Public Open House Meetings took place on Tuesday, June 28. Recordings of the 2 p.m. meeting and the 6 p.m. meeting are now available. Information provided at each meeting was the same.

The Presentation provided at the meetings is now available. Hardcopies of this presentation are available upon request.

Policy Directions Report, November 2021

On November 16, 2021, Council endorsed the Policy Directions Report, and directed staff to proceed with drafting the new Official Plan as part of Phase 3. The Policy Directions Report identifies opportunities for the Town in planning for expected growth and investment, while maintaining its unique rural character. The Report presents policy recommendations that will guide the preparation of the new Official Plan. The Staff Report and consultants presentation is available here:

Ways to Participate

We need your input throughout the Official Plan Review process. There are a number of ways you can stay engaged, receive updates and provide your input:

Project Overview

The Official Plan Review is undertaken through a comprehensive review of key theme areas according to issues currently being addressed as a community. The comprehensive OPR work program includes the following phases:

  • Phase 1: Visioning and Consultation – will result in a community vision and guiding principles to inform future planning directions, by establishing what the community values and how the Town is envisioned to evolve over the next 25 years.

    The Draft Community Vision Summary Report was presented to Council on November 3, 2020. It summarized the findings of the Phase 1 consultation activities, including a new Draft Vision Statement and Guiding Principles that will inform the policy directions of the new Official Plan.

    Based upon the comments received, including the Public Open House held on September 23, 2020, an updated Draft Community Vision Summary Report, March 2021 was prepared.

  • Phase 2: Background Studies and Discussion Papers – will focus on data collection and the review of background information required to advance the OPR. This phase will also involve the preparation of various Discussion Papers to address the key themes related to growth management, the natural environment, healthy and complete communities, and general technical and housekeeping matters. This phase will culminate with a cursory review of the Secondary Plans to determine recommendations for a potential consolidation strategy.

    Two virtual Public Open Houses were held on May 6, 2021 to present the Draft Discussion Papers and receive feedback. The Open House presentation is available for download.

    A summary of the Phase 2 Consultations are included in the Phase 2 Engagement Summary Memo, June 2021.

    The revised Discussion Papers will be presented to Council on July 20, 2021 for endorsement as part of
    Staff Report DS-029-21.

    The following revised Discussion Papers and a One-Page Summary have been prepared based on the community and stakeholder consultations:

  • Phase 3: Policy Development – will involve the preparation of Policy Directions Reports and the development of new and updated Official Plan policies to implement the preferred policy directions.

    The Policy Directions Report was endorsed by Council on November 16, 2021. The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville held Public Open Houses on Thursday October 7th, 2021 to present and receive input on the Draft Policy Directions Report. The Open House presentation is available for download.

    Staff have now began drafting the new Official Plan which is anticipated for public consultation in early to mid 2022.

  • Phase 4: Draft New Official Plan – will involve the technical writing, reviewing, evaluating, and implementing policies for the new Official Plan based on work completed to-date.

“Re-Imagine Stouffville”

New Official Plan Adopted by Council on May 15, 2024 UPDATE

On May 15, 2024, Council enacted By-law 2024-057-OP to Adopt the Town’s New Official Plan (Re-Imagine Stouffville: Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan, May 2024). The Town’s New Official Plan as Adopted by Council, is available here:

The Town’s New Official Plan requires final approval from the Approval Authority, and is not yet in force and effect. As such, the Town’s Official Plan, 2004 continues to apply to formal planning applications that have been deemed complete, prior to the approval of the Town’s New Official Plan.

By-law 2024-057-OP (Appendix B) also identifies existing Official Plan policies related to Ballantrae and Musselman’s Lake which remain in force and effect, pending the resolution of Official Plan Amendment 136 by the Ontario Land Tribunal.

On May 1, 2024, Council Adopted in principle the New Official Plan, including additional modifications as recommended by Council and Staff, which are outlined in Staff Report DS-017-24 and Council Meeting Minutes.

New Official Plan For Council Adoption May 1, 2024 UPDATE

The Final Draft of the New Official Plan will be presented to Council on May 1, 2024 at 1 p.m. for consideration for adoption. The Final Draft New Official Plan was updated in consideration of the public and agency comments received on the 3rd Draft Official Plan, June 2023.

The Final Draft New Official Plan released in October 2023, will be presented to Council, in addition to recommended modifications based on additional comments received, which will be outlined in the Staff Report.

The Final Draft New Official Plan, October 2023 is available here:

Following Council adoption, the Town’s New Official Plan will be submitted to the Region of York for final approval.

The Council Agenda including the Staff Report outlining the key issues and responses to the public and agency comments, and additional recommended modifications to the Official Plan will be available here, the Thursday prior to the Council meeting:

New Official Plan

The Town’s Official Plan is a policy document that provides direction for the management of growth, land use and services. The Official Plan is important to inform the public about the municipality’s general land use planning policies and ensure growth is coordinated and meets the community’s current and future needs.

The 2nd Draft of the New Official Plan addresses a number of studies and policy recommendations that were still ongoing at the time of preparing the 1st Draft of the New Official Plan, including:

  • York Region’s New Official Plan, 2022, as approved by the Province on November 4, 2022;
  • Highway 48 Corridor Framework Plan and Recommended Policies, endorsed by Council on September 21, 2022;
  • Natural Heritage Resources Study, as updated in August 2022; and
  • Town’s Preliminary Growth Management Strategy.

Based upon the additional public and stakeholder comments, a Final Draft Official Plan will be prepared and brought forward to Council for adoption, which is anticipated in 2023. The Adopted Official Plan will then be forwarded to York Region for approval.

Subscribe to our eNewsletter (see sidebar) to receive future updates on the release of the 2nd Draft New Official Plan and notification for the upcoming Public Open Houses.

3rd Draft of New Official Plan

The Third Draft of the New Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan was presented to Council on June 21, 2023 for further consultation.

Staff Report DS-031-23 summarizes the key changes proposed in the New Official Plan, and includes:

Council will also be asked to endorse the Town’s revised Preliminary Growth Management Strategy, June 2023 (Staff Report DS-030-23), which informs the New Official Plan.

The Town is currently seeking input to further refine the policies of the Town’s New Official Plan. Written comments on the Third Draft New Draft Official Plan are requested by July 31, 2023, which can be submitted to:

Preliminary Growth Management Strategy, Draft – February 2023

On March 8th (7:00 pm), the draft Preliminary Growth Management Strategy (PGMS) will be presented to Council. The PGMS provides a long-term assessment of the Town’s future urban growth and associated land needs to the year 2051. It will inform the Town’s New Official Plan and reflects the York Region Official Plan growth forecasts and allocations to the Town, as approved by the Province on November 4, 2022. In accordance with the York Region Official Plan, the Town is planning to accommodate a population of 91,700 persons and 34,800 jobs by 2051, reflecting an increase of 40,300 persons and 17,900 jobs from 2021 to 2051.

The draft PGMS is available on the Town Council Agenda webpage at:

Comments on the draft PGMS are requested by March 31, 2023 and may be submitted to:

Based on public and stakeholder comments, Town staff will prepare a revised PGMS which will be brought forward to Council for consideration for endorsement at a future meeting.

2nd Draft New Official Plan

The Town is pleased to release the 2nd Draft of its New Official Plan for public review and consultation. The 2nd Draft New Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan, December 2022 and Draft Schedules are now available. Comments on the 2nd Draft New Official Plan can be submitted to by January 23rd, 2023.

2nd Draft New Official Plan Virtual Public Open House Meetings

Virtual and In-Person Meeting - December 12, 2022

On December 12, 2022, the Town held Virtual and In-Person Public Open Houses. The Public Open Houses material including the Virtual Public Open House recording, the Virtual Public Open House Presentation, and In-Person Public Open House Display Boards have now been posted to the webpage. The Town is currently seeking input to further refine the policies of the 2nd Draft New Official Plan. Comments on the 2nd Draft Official Plan are requested by January 23rd, 2023. Comments can be emailed to

1st Draft Town Official Plan

The Town is pleased to release the first Draft of its New Official Plan for public review and consultation. The New Draft Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan, June 2022 and Draft Schedules are now available. Comments on the New Draft Official Plan can be submitted to

On June 28th the Town hosted two Statutory Public Open Houses to present and receive comments on the New Draft Official Plan. You are invited to attend the Council Public Meeting on July 6th (details below). This meeting will provide an overview of the key policy directions and an opportunity for you to provide input that will be taken into consideration in preparing the final Draft Official Plan for Council adoption.

1st Draft Official Town Plan Virtual Public Open House Meetings

Virtual and In-Person Council Public Meeting - July 6, 2022

The Public Meeting Agenda and Staff Report from the July 6th Council Public meeting is now available.

No decision will be made on the adoption of the Official Plan at the July 6th Council Public Meeting. A revised Draft Official Plan will be brought forward to Council at a subsequent meeting for adoption. Sign up for our interested parties eNewsletter to receive notification of this upcoming meeting. The Statutory Meeting Notice provides further details.

The New Draft Official Plan updates the Town’s vision for the future and will ensure consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement, Provincial Plans and the Region’s new Official Plan, once approved. The new Official Plan is a long-range planning document containing goals, objectives and policies to guide land use, development and growth in the Town to 2051. The Town’s new Official Plan promotes the building of healthy, complete and sustainable communities which further the growth and economic development of the community, help protect farmland, and protect environmentally sensitive areas of the Town. It incorporates policies and mapping related to settlement area expansion, growth management, climate change, major transit station areas, housing, agriculture, provincial plans, indigenous engagement, and cultural heritage.

The New Draft Official Plan has also been informed by various supporting studies including:

Virtual Public Open House Meeting - June 28, 2022

Virtual Public Open House Meetings took place on Tuesday, June 28. Recordings of the 2 p.m. meeting and the 6 p.m. meeting are now available. Information provided at each meeting was the same.

The Presentation provided at the meetings is now available. Hardcopies of this presentation are available upon request.

Policy Directions Report, November 2021

On November 16, 2021, Council endorsed the Policy Directions Report, and directed staff to proceed with drafting the new Official Plan as part of Phase 3. The Policy Directions Report identifies opportunities for the Town in planning for expected growth and investment, while maintaining its unique rural character. The Report presents policy recommendations that will guide the preparation of the new Official Plan. The Staff Report and consultants presentation is available here:

Ways to Participate

We need your input throughout the Official Plan Review process. There are a number of ways you can stay engaged, receive updates and provide your input:

Project Overview

The Official Plan Review is undertaken through a comprehensive review of key theme areas according to issues currently being addressed as a community. The comprehensive OPR work program includes the following phases:

  • Phase 1: Visioning and Consultation – will result in a community vision and guiding principles to inform future planning directions, by establishing what the community values and how the Town is envisioned to evolve over the next 25 years.

    The Draft Community Vision Summary Report was presented to Council on November 3, 2020. It summarized the findings of the Phase 1 consultation activities, including a new Draft Vision Statement and Guiding Principles that will inform the policy directions of the new Official Plan.

    Based upon the comments received, including the Public Open House held on September 23, 2020, an updated Draft Community Vision Summary Report, March 2021 was prepared.

  • Phase 2: Background Studies and Discussion Papers – will focus on data collection and the review of background information required to advance the OPR. This phase will also involve the preparation of various Discussion Papers to address the key themes related to growth management, the natural environment, healthy and complete communities, and general technical and housekeeping matters. This phase will culminate with a cursory review of the Secondary Plans to determine recommendations for a potential consolidation strategy.

    Two virtual Public Open Houses were held on May 6, 2021 to present the Draft Discussion Papers and receive feedback. The Open House presentation is available for download.

    A summary of the Phase 2 Consultations are included in the Phase 2 Engagement Summary Memo, June 2021.

    The revised Discussion Papers will be presented to Council on July 20, 2021 for endorsement as part of
    Staff Report DS-029-21.

    The following revised Discussion Papers and a One-Page Summary have been prepared based on the community and stakeholder consultations:

  • Phase 3: Policy Development – will involve the preparation of Policy Directions Reports and the development of new and updated Official Plan policies to implement the preferred policy directions.

    The Policy Directions Report was endorsed by Council on November 16, 2021. The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville held Public Open Houses on Thursday October 7th, 2021 to present and receive input on the Draft Policy Directions Report. The Open House presentation is available for download.

    Staff have now began drafting the new Official Plan which is anticipated for public consultation in early to mid 2022.

  • Phase 4: Draft New Official Plan – will involve the technical writing, reviewing, evaluating, and implementing policies for the new Official Plan based on work completed to-date.

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Page last updated: 09 Dec 2024, 02:59 PM