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Consultation has concluded
The Downtown’s importance is recognized in the Community Vision of the Town’s Official Plan, which notes that the Town will “maintain its historic downtown as a central meeting place and shopping area for the community, and adjacent rural and urban areas”. The Official Plan further states that the downtown is “the primary focal point of the community”.
In early 2019 the Main Reconstruction Working Group was formed. The group consists of the Mayor, a member of Council, Public Works and Development Services staff, residents, and business owners. The group lead by the Director of Public Works, meets monthly to provide direction to the Main Street Reconstruction Project.
The Town has engaged the services of exp Services Inc. to provide design services within the downtown core. In consultation with the Main Street Reconstruction Group a list of objectives was established:
create a distinctive downtown
provide walkable space
include social gathering points
renew the streetscape and underground infrastructure
provide adequate parking
support redevelopment and intensification
improve accessibility
investigate providing broadband service
ensure financial affordability, including future maintenance costs
include sustainability and greening features
The Town hosted two virtual Public Information Centres (PIC) to introduce the draft design and gather feedback on September 6 and 12, 2022. The virtual meetings included a presentation and a question-and-answer session with the Consultant and representatives of the Main Street Reconstruction Working Group. Each session was recorded and is available on this page under Important Links.
We also launched an online survey for feedback to be consolidated and presented to Council for consideration.
Comments and information regarding this project are being collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of meeting environmental assessment requirements. With the exception of personal information, all comments received will become part of the project record.
The Downtown’s importance is recognized in the Community Vision of the Town’s Official Plan, which notes that the Town will “maintain its historic downtown as a central meeting place and shopping area for the community, and adjacent rural and urban areas”. The Official Plan further states that the downtown is “the primary focal point of the community”.
In early 2019 the Main Reconstruction Working Group was formed. The group consists of the Mayor, a member of Council, Public Works and Development Services staff, residents, and business owners. The group lead by the Director of Public Works, meets monthly to provide direction to the Main Street Reconstruction Project.
The Town has engaged the services of exp Services Inc. to provide design services within the downtown core. In consultation with the Main Street Reconstruction Group a list of objectives was established:
create a distinctive downtown
provide walkable space
include social gathering points
renew the streetscape and underground infrastructure
provide adequate parking
support redevelopment and intensification
improve accessibility
investigate providing broadband service
ensure financial affordability, including future maintenance costs
include sustainability and greening features
The Town hosted two virtual Public Information Centres (PIC) to introduce the draft design and gather feedback on September 6 and 12, 2022. The virtual meetings included a presentation and a question-and-answer session with the Consultant and representatives of the Main Street Reconstruction Working Group. Each session was recorded and is available on this page under Important Links.
We also launched an online survey for feedback to be consolidated and presented to Council for consideration.
Comments and information regarding this project are being collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of meeting environmental assessment requirements. With the exception of personal information, all comments received will become part of the project record.