Ken Betz to Madori Park Pedestrian Pathway and Crossing

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Pedestrian Crossing and Pathway Environmental Assessment

Project Background

On November 2022, the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville initiated a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment to explore how the existing off-road multi-use trail southeast of Ken Betz Court should be connected to the existing trails in the Madori Parklands. There are many existing and planned trails throughout the community, both local and regional. The Town has developed an extensive trail system, primarily informed by the Town’s Active Transportation Servicing Plan to deliver new trails as part of the Town’s annual capital projects portfolio.

The Project is identified within the Active Transportation Servicing Plan as an off-road multi-use trail and will provide an important linkage between the Stouf Con Eight development and the existing parklands at Madori Park.

The Project is located in lands within the development known as “Stouf Con Eight” and through lands owned by the Toronto Region Conservation Authority and Townlands, in the Community of Stouffville. An existing, discontinuous, granular off-road multi-use trail exists within a portion of the project boundary, immediately southeast of Ken Betz Court.

On December 8, 2023, the Town notified stakeholders and residents of the transition from Schedule B to "exempt" status, following changes made to the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process.

Map of the Ken Betz to Madori Park Pedestrian Pathway and Crossing

Notice of Study Commencement

The Project

The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville is undertaking a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment to explore how the existing off-road multi-use trail southeast of Ken Betz Court should be connected to the existing trails in the Madori Park lands.

The Process

A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment has now commenced, a study which will define the problem, identify and evaluate alternative solutions, and develop a preferred design for connecting the trails in consultation with adjacent property owners, regulatory agencies, Indigenous communities, members of the local business community and the public. The study is being carried out in accordance with the planning and design process for Schedule B projects as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, and 2015), which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.

Upon completion of the study, a Project File Report will be prepared and made available for public review and comment.

A Public Information Centre (PIC) is planned for this project. The PIC will provide an opportunity for interested parties to discuss the study with the project team and provide feedback. The PIC will be scheduled at a later date and advance notification will be provided.

Public Information Centre

Consultation with Stakeholders (public, Indigenous communities, and agencies) is a key component of the design process. A Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held to share results of the detailed design along with studies completed in support of the project. The PIC date and details will be advertised prior to construction and pending approval of construction budget. Information for the PIC date and time is to be confirmed and shared once available.

Public Comments Invited

We invite you to share your thoughts with the project team throughout the study process. Comments may still be provided by e-mail to the Project Team.

Pedestrian Crossing and Pathway Environmental Assessment

Project Background

On November 2022, the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville initiated a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment to explore how the existing off-road multi-use trail southeast of Ken Betz Court should be connected to the existing trails in the Madori Parklands. There are many existing and planned trails throughout the community, both local and regional. The Town has developed an extensive trail system, primarily informed by the Town’s Active Transportation Servicing Plan to deliver new trails as part of the Town’s annual capital projects portfolio.

The Project is identified within the Active Transportation Servicing Plan as an off-road multi-use trail and will provide an important linkage between the Stouf Con Eight development and the existing parklands at Madori Park.

The Project is located in lands within the development known as “Stouf Con Eight” and through lands owned by the Toronto Region Conservation Authority and Townlands, in the Community of Stouffville. An existing, discontinuous, granular off-road multi-use trail exists within a portion of the project boundary, immediately southeast of Ken Betz Court.

On December 8, 2023, the Town notified stakeholders and residents of the transition from Schedule B to "exempt" status, following changes made to the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process.

Map of the Ken Betz to Madori Park Pedestrian Pathway and Crossing

Notice of Study Commencement

The Project

The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville is undertaking a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment to explore how the existing off-road multi-use trail southeast of Ken Betz Court should be connected to the existing trails in the Madori Park lands.

The Process

A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment has now commenced, a study which will define the problem, identify and evaluate alternative solutions, and develop a preferred design for connecting the trails in consultation with adjacent property owners, regulatory agencies, Indigenous communities, members of the local business community and the public. The study is being carried out in accordance with the planning and design process for Schedule B projects as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, and 2015), which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.

Upon completion of the study, a Project File Report will be prepared and made available for public review and comment.

A Public Information Centre (PIC) is planned for this project. The PIC will provide an opportunity for interested parties to discuss the study with the project team and provide feedback. The PIC will be scheduled at a later date and advance notification will be provided.

Public Information Centre

Consultation with Stakeholders (public, Indigenous communities, and agencies) is a key component of the design process. A Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held to share results of the detailed design along with studies completed in support of the project. The PIC date and details will be advertised prior to construction and pending approval of construction budget. Information for the PIC date and time is to be confirmed and shared once available.

Public Comments Invited

We invite you to share your thoughts with the project team throughout the study process. Comments may still be provided by e-mail to the Project Team.

Page last updated: 23 Dec 2024, 11:51 AM