Heritage Conservation District Study

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The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville has completed a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Study under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. The study area included the historic core of the Town and the surrounding residential areas.

The Town’s consulting team, led by MHBC Planning, worked throughout the summer and fall of 2021 to gather information about Stouffville’s historical development and establish an inventory of cultural heritage features. A community meeting was held on December 14, 2021 which presented this initial research. The team then gathered community feedback and prepared their preliminary recommendations.

On March 10, 2022, a second community meeting was held in which the team presented their recommendations. The team has identified four separate character areas within the Study Area that warrant designation as an HCD. These four areas are:

  • Church Street/Stouffville Centre North
  • O'Brien Avenue/Village Centre South
  • West Main Street/Stouffville Junction
  • Downtown Main Street/Heart of Stouffville

The process to establish an HCD is carried out in two phases. The first phase entails an analysis of the cultural heritage significance of the study area to determine if it, or a portion of it, should be an HCD. This study has been completed and is available as a download link on the right. Council endorsed the HCD recommendations at the May 18th, 2022 Council meeting and directed staff to proceed with the next phase of the project, the creation of Plans and Guidelines for the Heritage Conservation Districts.

What's New

Council has passed the By-laws and associated Heritage Conservation District Plans at the June 5th, 2024 Council Meeting to officially designate the Main Street West/Stouffville Junction, Church Street/Village Centre North, and O'Brien Avenue/Village Centre South Heritage Conservation Districts under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. The Plans will give staff the tools needed to ensure that changes in these neighbourhoods will respect the existing heritage fabric and that the contributing heritage properties are protected to maintain Stouffville's historic charm. The designation will come into full force and effect on July 24, 2024.

What is a heritage conservation district (HCD)?

A heritage conservation district is a collection of heritage resources that have a special character or association. Once created, municipalities can manage and guide future change in the area through the adoption of a district plan with policies and guidelines for conservation, protection and enhancement of the area’s special character. Council has passed By-laws designating three Heritage Conservation Districts as shown on the map below. These are Main Street West/Stouffville Junction, Church Street/Village Centre North, and O'Brien Avenue/Village Centre South.

Map of Heritage Conservation Districts

What is the process?

The process to establish an HCD is carried out in two phases. The first phase in the HCD Study, which entails an analysis of the cultural heritage significance of the study area to determine if it, or a portion of it, should be considered for an HCD.

This work involves researching the development of Stouffville and inventorying the properties, streetscapes, and open spaces of the study area. This information is compiled into an HCD Study Report, which recommends a heritage conservation district boundary (if appropriate) for consideration by Whitchurch- Stouffville Council. This phase has been completed with the findings of the report being endorsed by Council at the May 18th, 2022 Council Meeting.

The second phase of the project was the creating of Plans for each of the HCDs that would provide a policy framework for changes within the HCDs. Following two public open houses, and a statutory public meeting, the designation By-laws and Plans were passed at the June 5th, 2024 Council Meeting.

Please feel free to reach out to staff if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville has completed a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Study under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. The study area included the historic core of the Town and the surrounding residential areas.

The Town’s consulting team, led by MHBC Planning, worked throughout the summer and fall of 2021 to gather information about Stouffville’s historical development and establish an inventory of cultural heritage features. A community meeting was held on December 14, 2021 which presented this initial research. The team then gathered community feedback and prepared their preliminary recommendations.

On March 10, 2022, a second community meeting was held in which the team presented their recommendations. The team has identified four separate character areas within the Study Area that warrant designation as an HCD. These four areas are:

  • Church Street/Stouffville Centre North
  • O'Brien Avenue/Village Centre South
  • West Main Street/Stouffville Junction
  • Downtown Main Street/Heart of Stouffville

The process to establish an HCD is carried out in two phases. The first phase entails an analysis of the cultural heritage significance of the study area to determine if it, or a portion of it, should be an HCD. This study has been completed and is available as a download link on the right. Council endorsed the HCD recommendations at the May 18th, 2022 Council meeting and directed staff to proceed with the next phase of the project, the creation of Plans and Guidelines for the Heritage Conservation Districts.

What's New

Council has passed the By-laws and associated Heritage Conservation District Plans at the June 5th, 2024 Council Meeting to officially designate the Main Street West/Stouffville Junction, Church Street/Village Centre North, and O'Brien Avenue/Village Centre South Heritage Conservation Districts under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. The Plans will give staff the tools needed to ensure that changes in these neighbourhoods will respect the existing heritage fabric and that the contributing heritage properties are protected to maintain Stouffville's historic charm. The designation will come into full force and effect on July 24, 2024.

What is a heritage conservation district (HCD)?

A heritage conservation district is a collection of heritage resources that have a special character or association. Once created, municipalities can manage and guide future change in the area through the adoption of a district plan with policies and guidelines for conservation, protection and enhancement of the area’s special character. Council has passed By-laws designating three Heritage Conservation Districts as shown on the map below. These are Main Street West/Stouffville Junction, Church Street/Village Centre North, and O'Brien Avenue/Village Centre South.

Map of Heritage Conservation Districts

What is the process?

The process to establish an HCD is carried out in two phases. The first phase in the HCD Study, which entails an analysis of the cultural heritage significance of the study area to determine if it, or a portion of it, should be considered for an HCD.

This work involves researching the development of Stouffville and inventorying the properties, streetscapes, and open spaces of the study area. This information is compiled into an HCD Study Report, which recommends a heritage conservation district boundary (if appropriate) for consideration by Whitchurch- Stouffville Council. This phase has been completed with the findings of the report being endorsed by Council at the May 18th, 2022 Council Meeting.

The second phase of the project was the creating of Plans for each of the HCDs that would provide a policy framework for changes within the HCDs. Following two public open houses, and a statutory public meeting, the designation By-laws and Plans were passed at the June 5th, 2024 Council Meeting.

Please feel free to reach out to staff if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Page last updated: 28 Jun 2024, 12:29 PM