Asphalt Roadway Rehabilitation – Bethesda Side Road

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The Public Works – Capital Projects division undertakes the Asphalt Roadway Rehabilitation project aimed at renewing and extending the life of Town’s road infrastructure. Candidate roadways are identified through various condition assessments, maintenance histories, resident complaints, and future development considerations. The project incorporates approximately 2.2Km of asphalt roadway Rehabilitation along Bethesda Side Road from Warden Avenue to Woodbine Avenue.

The work will generally include removal of the asphalt surface and placement of new asphalt. Driveways and boulevards will be restored as necessary up to property line. Work is anticipated to be similar to the recent work completed in 2023 on Fox Farm Gate and Sherrick Drive.

Construction is anticipated to begin during the month of May 2024 with project completion anticipated by end of July 2024. Timing of activities within the project will vary depending on weather conditions, contractor schedule, and material availabilities.

Road Closures and Traffic Control

The Bethesda Side Road Asphalt Roadway Rehabilitation may require reduced lanes during paving activity. Notice of Construction will be delivered to affected residents prior to construction.

The Public Works – Capital Projects division undertakes the Asphalt Roadway Rehabilitation project aimed at renewing and extending the life of Town’s road infrastructure. Candidate roadways are identified through various condition assessments, maintenance histories, resident complaints, and future development considerations. The project incorporates approximately 2.2Km of asphalt roadway Rehabilitation along Bethesda Side Road from Warden Avenue to Woodbine Avenue.

The work will generally include removal of the asphalt surface and placement of new asphalt. Driveways and boulevards will be restored as necessary up to property line. Work is anticipated to be similar to the recent work completed in 2023 on Fox Farm Gate and Sherrick Drive.

Construction is anticipated to begin during the month of May 2024 with project completion anticipated by end of July 2024. Timing of activities within the project will vary depending on weather conditions, contractor schedule, and material availabilities.

Road Closures and Traffic Control

The Bethesda Side Road Asphalt Roadway Rehabilitation may require reduced lanes during paving activity. Notice of Construction will be delivered to affected residents prior to construction.

Page published: 17 May 2024, 09:36 AM